Book Publications
✤ Robot Programming: A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots (QUE 2016)
✤ Build Your Own Teams of Robots (TAB 2014)
✤Parallel And Distributed Programming Using C++ (ADDISON-WESLEY
✤ Linux Rapid Application Development (JOHN WILEY 2000)
✤ Mastering Standard C++ Classes (JOHN WILEY 1999)
✤ Object Oriented Multithreading Using C++ (JOHN WILEY 1997)
✤ Collection and Container Classes in C++ (JOHN WILEY 1995)
✤Object Oriented I/O Using C++ IOSTREAMS (JOHN WILEY 1995)
Available thru ACM Digital Library (FOR ACM MEMBERS ONLY)
✤Robot Programming:A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots (QUE 2016)
✤Multicore Programming Design and Implementation for C++ Developers